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Initial Torque
The initial torque determines how much power is needed to activate the differential.
A higher number produces more understeer at low G corners while high G corners show more oversteer.
A lower number produces more oversteer at low G corners while high G corners show more understeer.
Acceleration Sensitivity
The Acceleration Sensitivity level adjusts the engagement during full throttle. The higher the value the higher the engagement; however, the car may become unstable at full throttle.
Braking Sensitivity
The Braking Sensitivity level adjusts the engagement during deceleration (braking, turning-in, and coasting). The higher the value, the higher the engagement; however, the car may understeer heavily when turning-in at high values.
Set up acceleration and braking first to get the car to your liking, then use initial to fine tune the overall effect/engagement of the Braking and Acceleration Sensitivity portions of the LSD
Car Behaviour | Turn-in | Corner Exit |
Understeer | Decrease Braking Sensitivity | Increase Acceleration Sensitivity |
Oversteer | Increase Braking Sensitivity | Decrease Acceleration Sensitivity |